Why have we not been getting any assistance from the Marden Parish Council, I bought this to their attention over a year ago and requested this be discussed at the parish meetings and to be informed of any developments, I was told they would start a file and keep me update but yet I get a more information from the developer and local neighbors through my letter box.
This land has been bought for one reason, to develop into money, if they do not get planning for the chicken farm they will try for housing and keep trying until it pays off.
Since they bought the land we have seen security across the land increased and access denied, friends have been verbally abused by the owners and intimidated when out for a walk across fields that have been accessible forever,
We have seen fires and building destroyed, that now enable access to land that would normally have been protected, with mobile caravans located now on site.
We only assume to assist with planning, to prove someone is living on the land. over teh years I have seen various tactics used this being one of them to enable housing or development of land that would normally be protected, this is not a Brown Field site.
We need the community to support the rejection of all developments and a protection order on the land to stop any future building works.
These are green fields not a development opportunity